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FAA Safety Seminar

ASI Investigates: Weather Accidents

Presented by EAA Chapter 932

November 9th, 9:30AM to 12:30PM

Speaker: Andy Miller, CFI, AOPA Great Lakes Ambassador

Weather is often blamed as the cause of accidents when, in reality, it’s poor decision making that’s the culprit. Arm yourself to make the right weather choices at crucial moments before and during flight.
Here’s what you’ll learn:
• Why getting the big weather picture is important
• How to improve your go/no-go decision-making process
• Tips to “weatherize” your mindset and avoid traps like flying VFR into IMC
• Why technology can be a great tool and your worst enemy in weather flying

Register for WINGS credit here: https://www.faasafety.gov/SPANS/event_details.aspx?eid=96350&caller=/SPANS/events/EventList.aspx