
FAA Removes Requirement of Complex Aircraft CFI & Comm Pilot Checkrides


This week the FAA published FAA Notice N8900.463 which specifically addresses a change in policy in the Commercial Pilot ACS and the CFI PTS documents to allow for completion of a practical test without requiring demonstration of a complex aircraft on certain tests.   This represents a significant change of interest to flight training providers. While the changes to the ACS and PTS documents in no way (at this time) eliminate the regulatory requirement for training toward a rating or certificate in a complex aircraft or the completion of an endorsement for such a certificate, it does eliminate the requirement to [...]

FAA Removes Requirement of Complex Aircraft CFI & Comm Pilot Checkrides2023-02-28T19:07:43-05:00

Newest Flight Instructors- Borys and Andy


The last order of business is to make a couple of introductions to you. Late last year Borys Pawlowski came on board to JB Aviation as a part time flight instructor. Borys is a full-time dispatcher for United Airlines and also offers training for the FAA Dispatcher certificate. The second introduction is to Andy Preidis. Andy came on board to JB Aviation this week as a full-time flight instructor. Andy comes from Eastern Michigan University where he went through their flight training program and then subsequently began instructing his classmates at the University. Both Borys and Andy look forward to flying [...]

Newest Flight Instructors- Borys and Andy2023-02-28T19:07:44-05:00
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