EAA Chapter 932 Fly-In and Pancake Breakfast

Galt Airport (10C) 5112 Greenwood Rd, Wonder Lake, IL

Fly-in or drive-in to Galt Airport and join us on July 10th 2021. EAA 932 will be serving a pancake breakfast from 9am til 12pm. 

Young Aviator’s Campfire Social

Galt Airport (10C) 5112 Greenwood Rd, Wonder Lake, IL

Join our Young Aviators for a campfire, marshmallows, and games. August 7th at 7:30PM at the airport studio. Please RSVP.


Flour Drop 2021

Galt Airport (10C) 5112 Greenwood Rd, Wonder Lake, IL

Pilot's, find your bombardiers and join us at Galt Airport on August 28th for our Flour Drop Competition. Spectators are welcome!

Planes & Puppies

Galt Airport (10C) 5112 Greenwood Rd, Wonder Lake, IL

Come on out to Galt Airport on October 9th 2021 for our annual Planes & Puppies - Young Eagles Rally. Bring your dog and enjoy a fun morning the airport. Please bring a donation and help us to stuff-a-plane with supplies for local animal shelters. EAA Chapter 932 will be hosting a Young Eagles Rally and providing FREE airplane rides for kids and teens, 8-17 yrs old. To register your child for an airplane ride at this event and for more information click here. The nationwide Young Eagles program introduces children to the world of aviation. For more information about the [...]


EAA 932 Chapter Gathering: Bugattie Aircraft Presentation and Chili Cook-off

Galt Airport (10C) 5112 Greenwood Rd, Wonder Lake, IL

Join EAA Chapter 932 for this interesting presentation and a delicious chili cook off lunch. For more information visit https://eaa932.org/events/ Saturday November 13, 2021 Location: Galt Airport Studio Coffee and Donut holes  9:30 – 10:00 am Program 10:00-11:00 am Lunch 11:00 am to 12:00 pm

Private Pilot Ground School

JB Aviation Flight School 5112 Greenwood Rd, Wonder Lake, IL

This 11 week ground school class is designed to teach you everything you need to know to pass the FAA Private Pilot written exam. The class will meet Tuesday evenings from 6:30 - 8:30pm November 16th - January 25th Cost: $450 Class Materials Used: E6B, Plotter, FAR/AIM, and ASA Written Test prep book. These can be purchased individually, or as a kit for$70. For more information, or to sign up please call 815-648-2433

Ace Your Flight Review

Too often flight reviews are treated as a formality – an obligatory “box to check” every 24 calendar months. The fact is, for most pilots, a flight review is often the only flight/ground training they will have received in those last 2 years. That small amount of training is often not enough to keep up with the ever-changing world of General Aviation. In order to make a flight review both meaningful and educational, both the pilot and flight instructor must be on the same page well before arriving to the airport. Join us to learn about our custom, online flight review [...]


Secrets of the TRACON

Studio @ Galt Airport (10C) 5112 Greenwood Rd, Wonder Lake, IL

Chicago Approach ATC veteran, Aaron Barclay, is both an air traffic controller and flight instructor. As such, he has extensive experience on both sides of the radar scope. Please join us as Aaron offers a comprehensive perspective to demystify the world of ATC.


EAA Chapter 932: Curious about glider flying?

Studio @ Galt Airport (10C) 5112 Greenwood Rd, Wonder Lake, IL

Join EAA Chapter 932 for their monthly gathering at Galt Airport. Chapter 932 Board Director, Joe Nemec, will give a presentation on gliders and glider flying.


Barnstormer’s Day

Galt Airport (10C) 5112 Greenwood Rd, Wonder Lake, IL

Save the Date! Barnstormer's Day is back! Fly-in or drive-in for a fun day at Galt Airport. Start the day right with a pancake breakfast hot off our giant rotating griddle. Swing to the music of Bill's Little Big Band and check out the airplanes and vintage cars. Stay tuned for additional information!


Private Pilot Ground School

JB Aviation Flight School 5112 Greenwood Rd, Wonder Lake, IL

This 7 week ground school class will teach you everything you need to know to pass the FAA Private Pilot written exam. The class will meet Thursday evenings from 6-9pm July 14th - August 25th Cost: $500 The following class supplies are included; e6b, plotter, test supplement, and FAR/AIM book. We will also be using a test prep app ($10), this will be purchased and downloaded during the first class. For more information, or to sign up please call 815-648-2433

Star Party with Geneva Lake Astrophysics and Steam

Galt Airport (10C) 5112 Greenwood Rd, Wonder Lake, IL

Enjoy a waning night of summer with a Star Party! Weather permitting, we will gaze into the night sky with expert astronomer Adam McCulloch from the Geneva Lake Astrophysics and STEAM (GLAS) team. Galt Airport community, families and friends along with EAA 932 members are welcome to join us for a Saturday evening of star gazing. Meet at the FBO. Starting at 7pm, GLAS will give a brief introduction followed by 3-4 activities that demonstrate different astronomical objects. Telescopes will be available for viewing 1 hour after sunset. We will have the opportunity to view: Jupiter, Saturn, Andromeda Galaxy, Ring Nebula, [...]