
Barnstormer’s Day


Save the Date! Barnstormer's Day is back! Fly-in or drive-in for a fun day at Galt Airport. Start the day right with a pancake breakfast hot off our giant rotating griddle. Swing to the music of Bill's Little Big Band and check out the airplanes and vintage cars. Stay tuned for additional information!

Barnstormer’s Day2022-03-24T16:44:48-05:00

Planes & Puppies


Come on out to Galt Airport on October 9th 2021 for our annual Planes & Puppies - Young Eagles Rally. Bring your dog and enjoy a fun morning the airport. Please bring a donation and help us to stuff-a-plane with supplies for local animal shelters. EAA Chapter 932 will be hosting a Young Eagles Rally and providing FREE airplane rides for kids and teens, 8-17 yrs old. To register your child for an airplane ride at this event and for more information click here. The nationwide Young Eagles program introduces children to the world of aviation. For more information about the [...]

Planes & Puppies2021-09-17T18:24:22-05:00

Barnstormer’s Day


Fly-in or drive-in for a fun day at Galt Airport. Start the day right with a breakfast of pancakes hot off our giant rotating griddle. Add scrambled eggs, sausage, and hash browns to satisfy your appetite, along with juice and coffee to help you rise n' shine! Check out the airplanes and vintage cars. Swing to the music of Bill's Little Big Band. There will be youth activities too, so bring the whole family! We'll have a bake sale and food truck serving lunch as well. Free admission and free parking

Barnstormer’s Day2023-04-21T17:34:28-05:00
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